Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks


The editors of the forthcoming book “Fan Phenomena – Twin Peaks” (Intellect Press) are seeking contributions centered around the iconic cultural influence of David Lynch’s series “Twin Peaks”. Topics suggested by the publisher include: Fashion, Fan Media, Language, Economics, Virtual, Influence, Philosophies, Character/Characterization. The book will be composed of ten essays, 3,000-3,500 words each.

We are particularly interested in contributions that address the following topics:
Language – linguistic analysis of the show (general or specific i.e. specialized topics such as language in the use of diaries, dictation, etc.).

Fashion – a fashion history or textiles approach to analyzing the unique blend of 1950s-era fashion within the setting of the 1980s (general or focused on particular characters, i.e. Audrey Horn).

Characters – analysis of two “twin peaks”, Dale Cooper & Laura Palmer (duality), or character acting in “Twin Peaks”, women and gender in “Twin Peaks”, etc.

For editorial guidelines and more information, please e-mail the book’s co-editors: &

To propose an essay, please send both editors a 200-300 word proposal and a CV, including a description of your previous written publications and areas of research, no later than March 18, 2012.

If selected for publication, the complete essay will need to be submitted by June 1, 2012.

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