Archive for September, 2013

New issue published (Vol 1, Issue 2) of the Journal of Fandom Studies

September 20, 2013

The Journal of Fandom Studies has now published a second issue, featuring the following articles:

Volume 1 Issue 2
Cover Date: October 2013

Augmenting fan/academic dialogue: New directions in fan research
Authors: Paul Booth

A case of identity: Role playing, social media and BBC Sherlock
Authors: Ann McClellan

‘Drinking the Kool-Aid’ of cult TV: Fans, followers, and fringe religions in Strangers with Candy and Veronica Mars
Authors: David Diffrient

Community clip show: Examining the recursive collaboration between producers and viewers of a postmodern sitcom
Authors: Rekha Sharma

‘I’m not a lawyer but …’: Fan disclaimers and claims against copyright law
Authors: Jenny Roth And Monica Flegel

Continuing The West Wing in 140 characters or less: Improvised simulation on Twitter
Authors: Inger-Lise Kalviknes Bore And Jonathan Hickman

You can view the issue here:,id=2513/

CFP: Special issue of Celebrity Studies journal on Audiences for Celebrity

September 19, 2013

Special issue of Celebrity Studies

Audiences for Celebrity

Edited by Martin Barker, Su Holmes and Sarah Ralph


The study of audiences for celebrities and stars has developed spasmodically.  Apart from important early studies by Stacey (1994) and Kuhn (2002), and from a different angle Gamson (1994) Barbas (2001) and Allen and Mendick (2012), and a variety of marketing-derived studies, there has been only a scatter of works concretely addressing how distinct audiences engage with celebrities, and how those engagements become meaningful within their broader lives.  For this Special Issue we hope to gather essays embodying a range of kinds of research in both audience and reception studies traditions.  We invite proposals for papers to appear in a special issue of Celebrity Studies exploring how audiences engage (positively or negatively) with celebrity figures and culture. Proposals may address (but are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Studies of audiences for particular stars/ celebrities (from a range of different media forms, including film, TV, popular music, literature, sport, internet, social media, theatre, opera etc…)
  • Studies of online fan cultures, or users of a particular media form
  • Historical/ archival studies of audience engagements with celebrities/ stars
  • Discussions of methodological issues in the study of celebrity/ star audiences
  • Studies of celebrity/ star controversies or spectacular moments and audience responses

Please submit an extended abstract of 500 words (outlining the topic, methods, audience or reception materials used, and contribution to Celebrity Studies and Audience Studies) to, by Friday 1st November. Please also include a brief biographical note of 4-5 lines.  We plan to complete evaluation of abstracts by the end of November.  Those accepted will be asked to submit completed essays, to a maximum of 8,000 words, by the end of June 2014.


New issue of Transformative Works and Cultures, Vol 14, published

September 17, 2013

The new general issue of Transformative Works and Cultures, Vol 14 (2013), is out now.
You can read it here:

It features the following articles:

Spreadable fandom
TWC Editor

Metaphors we read by: People, process, and fan fiction
Juli J. Parrish

Sub*culture: Exploring the dynamics of a networked public
Simon Lindgren

A Japanese media pilgrimage to a Tasmanian bakery
Craig Norris

Trans-cult-ural fandom: Desire, technology and the transformation of fan
subjectivities in the Japanese female fandom of Hong Kong stars
Lori Hitchcock Morimoto

Fannish discourse communities and the construction of gender in “The
Emily Regan Wills

Capital, dialogue, and community engagement: “My Little Pony—Friendship Is
Magic” understood as an alternate reality game
Kevin Veale

So bad it’s good: The “kuso” aesthetic in “Troll 2”
Whitney Phillips

Translation, interpretation, fan fiction: A continuum of meaning production
Shannon K. Farley

Fan/dom: People, practices, and networks
Katherine E. Morrissey

Fandom, public, commons
Mel Stanfill

“Spreadable media: Creating value and meaning in a networked culture,” by Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford, and Joshua Green
Melissa A. Click

“Reclaiming fair use,” by Patricia Aufderheide and Peter Jaszi
Josh Johnson

“Genre, reception, and adaptation in the ‘Twilight’ series,” edited by Anne Morey
Amanda Georgeanne Retartha



CFP: Engaging the Woman Fantastic in Contemporary American Media Culture, edited collection

September 6, 2013

Engaging the Woman Fantastic in Contemporary American Media Culture

Full name / name of organization:

Elyce Rae Helford (senior editor), Mick Howard, Sarah Gray-Panesi, Shiloh Carroll / Middle Tennessee State University

Contact email:

The past thirty years have offered a growing and changing body of scholarship on images of fantastic women in American popular culture.  Collections from Marleen Barr’s Future Females (1981) and Future Females: The Next Generation (2000) to Elyce Rae Helford’s Fantasy Girls: Gender and the New Universe of Science Fiction and Fantasy Television (2000) and Sherrie Inness’s Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Women in Popular Culture (2004) have offered multifaceted commentary on ways in which contemporary media culture posits and positions “empowered” women in speculative fictions.  Engaging the Woman Fantastic in Contemporary Media Culture takes part in this tradition and brings it to the present day with emphasis on texts from the 1990s to the present and media from young adult fiction to social networks.  In particular, this edited scholarly collection, to be published in 2014 by Cambridge Scholars Press, engages with female protagonists, antagonists, and characters that challenge such simple binaries in popular literature, television, comics, videogames, and other new media.  As a whole, the volume will examine how images of fantastic women address prevailing ideas of gender, race, sexuality, class, nation, and other facets of identity in contemporary American culture.

We welcome proposals on all aspects of the “Woman Fantastic” within an imaginative fictional context and originating or retaining special media resonance from the mid-1990s to the present. Submissions should be grounded in a particular critical or theoretical perspective and center on a single text and/or character. We especially seek manuscripts within the following categories:

  • Media: social networks and internet culture (e.g. Tumblr’s Eschergirls, Twitter’s Feminist Hulk, webcomics)
  • Approaches: postcolonial, queer, disability, fandom
  • Focus: images of women of color and/or queer women in any medium other than film

Note: We do not seek submissions on film, non-American texts, or DC comics.  Also, because we are most interested in publishing studies of texts that have not been written about extensively elsewhere (e.g. the Harry Potter novels), be sure to offer a unique focus or new angle if you write on academically popular texts.

To submit, send a two-page proposal with working bibliography and brief vita (as a single .doc or .rtf attachment) to by November 1, 2013.  Complete, polished manuscripts are due by January 30, 2014.  Queries are welcome.  Acceptance will be handled on a rolling basis.


CFP: Playing Harry Potter, edited collection

September 6, 2013

Call for contributors to Playing Harry Potter:

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series has served as the inspiration for numerous performative acts created by and for fans of the books. While the Warner Bros. films and Universal theme parks were produced to capitalize on the books’ commercial success, HP fans have responded to the narrative in a grassroots, often non-commercial fashion—initiating performances that contribute to the ever-growing collection of Potter fan-generated content, or “fanon.” As the makers of A Very Potter Musical declare, these performances are “solely for the personal, non-commercial enjoyment of ourselves and other Harry Potter fans.” Nonetheless, they have successfully reached mass audiences and galvanized a fan base comprised largely of amateurs and persons who might otherwise be uninvolved in the arts. Moreover, fan-based performance extends beyond the production of original plays such as AVPM and Potted Potter to include a wide range of artistic representations from puppetry to Role-Play and Cosplay. This anthology of collected essays is the first to offer an examination of both the motivations and effects of Potter fan-performance and a critical analysis of the relationship these performances have to “official” or “sanctioned” Potter representations such as the Warner Bros. films, Pottermore, and the Universal theme park. Of particular interest is the investigation of the meaning (both in terms of definition and significance) of “performance” in the HP context and its wider cultural implications.

Editors seek chapter contributors for this book proposal. Topics may include but are not restricted to: Cosplay/Role-Play/Life-Play, performativity in internet forums, the Muggle Quidditch sports movement, gender bending, slash fiction, racial representation/cross racial-performance, trans-nationalism, radio plays, and shows like Potted Potter and A Very Potter Musical.

Submissions for consideration should include a 250 word abstract of the chapter and a CV. Send both to Lisa Brenner at Deadline October 4, 2013.

CFP: Fandom Generated Content session, V Congreso Internacional Latina de Comuncación Social, 4th December 2013, Tenerife, Spain

September 6, 2013


The call for papers for the “V Congreso Internacional Latina de Comuncación Social” is now open. We would like to invite you to send your proposals for the session on Fandom Generated Content that will take place the 4th of December in Tenerife (Spain).
In the contemporary media landscape, the figure of the fan as a new communicative agent is becoming more prominent. In an age marked by the web 2.0, the hybridization of forms and contents, and the technological convergence, the fan is an active player who participates, creates and collaborates in the construction of any type of media content.
Through a multidisciplinary approach to Fandom Studies, this session aims to explore the discursive production of this collective of people from different perspectives of Communication Studies as a framework. We would like to answer questions such as: What is the role of fans in the commercial communication of brands? In which ways can the fandom of a particular fictional work contribute to the expansion of the original text? What types of works and sources are used by fans in order to construct their own messages?

We would like to receive contributions on these and any other topics related to contents generated by fans. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is the 31st October, 2013. If you are interested, please send a 300-word abstract with your name and university affiliation to
For more information, please visit the website of the congress: